Join us as we celebrate COVID-19 Community Champions, everyday people working to make life better during the pandemic!

Brought to you by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation. 

Dr. David R. Carlisle is the CEO of Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science.  He recently transformed the school’s South LA campus into a major COVID-19 testing site, confirming his belief that vaccines are key to ending the pandemic.  

Resistance is natural…it’s good to question things… but in my mind the science is clear. We are dealing with a deadly condition. COVID-19 kills. There’s only one solution, that’s vaccinations.” ~ Dr. Carlisle

Dr. Elaine Batchlor, CEO of Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, is a woman on a mission for humanity. She’s committed to improving health access for underserved communities and is a strong advocate for our people getting  vaccinated against COVID-19.  

“A vaccine means we can restart our economy, open our schools, and visit our families…The vaccines have been tested in thousands of people including people of color… I’m hoping that all Californians will join us in getting COVID-19 vaccines so we can put this pandemic behind us.” ~ Dr. Batchlor

Viral immunologist, Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, is the personification of Black history in the making. She’s on the front lines of the global fight against COVID-19 and the African American scientist who led the team that developed one of the vaccines.  

“The vaccine teaches the body how to fend off a virus, because it teaches the body how to look for the virus by basically just showing the body the spike protein of the virus. The body then says ‘Oh, we’ve seen this protein beforeLet’s go fight against it.’ That’s how it works.”  ~ Dr. Corbett

Dr. Adrian James, while at West Oakland Health Council,  served as a primary care physician and medical director. Dr. James has also been a large proponent of COVID-19 vaccines, encouraging African Americans to take it due to its disproportionate impact on the Black community

“The quote from Dr. King that ‘Of all forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhuman’ is true because it may lead to death, which is the worst possible outcome. In California, the pandemic has had a devastating impact on the African American community.” ~ Dr. James

COVID-19 vaccines are available at no cost. They are proven to be safe and effective, with possible minor side effects such as a sore arm or throat. So, when it’s your turn, make an appointment to get vaccinated. And continue to mask up, wash your hands and watch your distance. 

Visit to learn more. 

#COVIDCommunityChampion – To share your COVID-19 Community Champion story today.

Brought to you by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation.